• The Blog

    Thoughts, musings, and ruminations.

    7 de noviembre de 2023
    A diverse and healthy microbiome will be reflected in many aspects of our health. The microbiome is made of the colonies of bacteria, fungus and virus that we live with, in symbiosis. They are in high number anywhere the outside world meets our inside world: mouth, gastrointestinal (GI) tract...
    19 de septiembre de 2023
    One of the best known roles for the cannabinoid 1 receptor is orexia (appetite) : stimulating the desire for food and promoting eating behavior. Disruptions to the ECS have been associated with disordered eating (restrictive, compulsive, or inflexible eating patterns), metabolic disruptions ...
    7 de septiembre de 2023
      Endometriosis is a condition that affectsup to 20% of cycling women, is pro-inflammatory, but not yet classified as an autoimmune disease. Pelvic pain, pain with sex, irritable bowel syndrome, pain with urination, and painful periods are all aspects of endometriosis, along with anxiety due...